Direct straight answer here

  1. the history and owners character and behaviours
  2. fake reviews everywhere
  3. claim to have full tutorial but all you find is  a READ -ONY forum.
    No updated documents.
  4. The weakness in  support. One man show operations answering both support and email.
  5. Don’t wish to say this but i have to !
    INDIAN developers from NEPAL
    [ telnet their chat service you’ll know where they coming from ]
    when you see Indian Developers owned a plugin , just stay away !
  6. NOT A CORE WORDPRESS PLUGINS!  – a core plugin should work straight away with any wordpress plugins, this is not the case for wpdating.
    You need to make adjustment if you wish to use your own theme. you cant use other chat software , Must use their [ affliated linked chat  program comet chat only ]

    Dont click the link inside and make them richer

They are selling the theme at $49 ,
check here:

But check here again :   $20 more you could buy the whole theme.

Anyway just stay away from this site too. God know what code they have injected inside






Dont be fooled by this. This is not a template !!

Here is the content :  just one bloddy template.php file is call template!


i will follow up on this as i gather more images and posting from genuine end users !

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